Fastest Performance

Dubai Cloud Backup

The Tech world has innovated and discovered many methods of saving crucial data. They are always finding the best solution to back up the data that is really important for the firm or their business. People want the best and fully proven backing up solutions that don’t take time to get backed up, require no manpower to manually save each file, and can be easily retrievable at any time and from any device. It is like they want a device moving over their head similar to a cloud. Whenever and wherever they work, they save it immediately. These are the reason people rapidly adopted cloud backup services with lightning speed. Cloud backup is easily scalable, cost-efficient, can be embedded with the existing backup system, and easily operable with the highest security and protection of your backup space.

Cloud Backup Dubai

Cloud Backup in UAE

We are serving GCC countries for cloud backup services when it was newly launched. People were not much aware at that time. Since then we have maintained a good posture with our services among the whole Emirati clients. The least prices we are offering will surely amaze you that you are going to get the latest technology with advanced features at such rates. People want to ease their lives and we are here to simplify it with a little cost. Now you will be able to share and back up your data from anywhere, anytime. Leave the rest to us. It is our duty to secure your data and make it available to you at any time.

Get Amazing Flexibility

Our Gulf clients get the most out of our cloud backup services because they all are linked through our Dubai Datacenter. That is the reason they can easily back up their files of any size in less time and can also be easily retrievable from anywhere. Now you can store huge files, images, and anything you want at any time. We assure you that your data can be available anywhere whether you are in UAE or somewhere in the UK. Your backed-up data have shared access so you don’t have to separately send files to every team member. Just give them access and they can retrieve it easily without any restriction. We consider the fact that the more flexibility you give to your clients, the more they spent purchasing your services because they will start to trust you. Reliability is a medal that has been given to us by our customers. You can check the feedback of our customers and also consider the time by which they started to rely on our services. Let's dig out some more of our flexible features in detail:

Cheapest Plans across the whole UAE

Huge backup storage, multiple device accessibilities, less or no managing hassle with maximum security, all of them come in such a budget-friendly plan. We offer rates that can be affordable to fresh starters also. All authority goes to you that how you want to pay for the services.

Your internet Speed does not matter

We use the best encryption method by which your data is converted into an unreadable form and as well as it gets compressed. This is the reason huge files can be easily backed up the first time and doesn’t clog your bandwidth. A medium-speed internet connection would be enough to upload data. You don’t need to upgrade it.

Ease of access, anywhere anytime

Worried about the number of devices you use? Because you can not access your files on every device. That is not at all a problem with us. Connect as many devices as you want and don’t worry about the type of device too. We are compatible with all types of devices, either it is a PC, laptop, or smartphone.

Any OS, any Device can now be gathered in one place

It doesn’t matter that you use Mac in your office and you have Windows on your home PC. you can now sync both devices' data in one place, that is cloud backup. Just install our software on every device and get the maximum benefits from it.

What benefits will you get after grabbing our cloud backup plans?

Our Gulf clients get the most out of our cloud backup services because they all are linked through our Dubai Datacenter. That is the reason they can easily back up their files of any size in less time and can also be easily retrievable from anywhere. Now you can store huge files, images, and anything you want at any time. We assure you that your data can be available anywhere whether you are in UAE or somewhere in the UK. Your backed-up data have shared access so you don’t have to separately send files to every team member. Just give them access and they can retrieve it easily without any restriction. We consider the fact that the more flexibility you give to your clients, the more they spent purchasing your services because they will start to trust you. Reliability is a medal that has been given to us by our customers. You can check the feedback of our customers and also consider the time by which they started to rely on our services. Let's dig out some more of our flexible features in detail:

Security at its best

Now you can save your data without any fear of losing it. Our cloud backup servers are claimed to be the safest place in the whole UAE. The automatic backup option keeps your data in a safer environment and prevents you from making multiple copies of each file or unwanted deletions and changes. By getting our services, you will be able to back up your whole system in a single space.

Control is in your hands

Our friendly control pane lets you control everything at any time. You don’t need to contact customer support to make little changes. We have given all rights to our clients and the most fascinating thing is it doesn’t require any technical experience. While designing the control panel, our developer's team make it possible to keep the interface as simple as possible so that every person can easily understand the options.

Ease of data accessing

Spreading easiness among the people gives an overwhelming feeling. That’s what we are getting from our clients. We make everything, from our control panel to access data, so much easier that no other service provider is capable to beat us. The initial step after purchase is to integrate your system into our cloud backup server. Our premium offers give you the privilege of resume/pause data transfer options using standard protocols.

Privacy is the Priority

To keep your whole data private, we have embedded the best encryption system in our systems. These encryption methods are somehow related to the Defence Department which uses them for the privacy of their crucial and top-secret data. We assure you that you will get intact privacy that can not be interruptable by anyone.

Our Cloud Backup is capable of:

Get the maximum features with all the flexibility and control in your own hands by choosing one of our plans. By adopting cloud backup you can:

  • Keep your data in a safer place than on a hard drive
  • Able to easily share large files with anyone residing anywhere
  • Choice of the complete back of all your synced devices

Enhanced Security

Providing top-notch security to our clients is the biggest challenge for us and we have won this challenge. Our clients are relying on the security measures taken by us and are pretty much satisfied with them too. To make things more secure we also have given the option of two-factor verification. You can activate it through our control panel or ask our support manager to make it enable for you. This method creates end-to-end encryption so that nobody can be able to intervene between you and your data.

Managed or Unmanaged Cloud Solutions Available

Managed cloud backups are completely centrally monitored and managed by our expert team. They will make all the necessary settings for you. Or you can guide them about what are your requirements and how you want your backup space should be operated. On the contrary, unmanaged backups are completely operated by our clients. You don’t need a team of experts to manage it. Cloud backups are usually adopted by businesses that have outgrown their data or they can see it growing in near future. Their approach is to prevent their data and combat the risks before they arise. By purchasing our cloud backups, you can make your data fully threat-protected.

We not only provide you the ease of cost but also reduced the system interface complexity. You have full control over your data. The best encryption techniques used in our backup plans are a cherry on top. It makes the data more secure and stable. Now you can access your data saved on the office desktop to the home PC. you don’t need to copy it before leaving for home. Not only files, but you are also able to completely save the whole system on the cloud backup. Here completely means that all the programs on the system as well as their configurations can also be stored on your cloud backup. So grab a plan fast and start moving your office to cloud-based technology.